Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived superiority of power. Bullying can take many forms, such as hitting, kicking, threatening others, teasing, name-calling, excluding from a group, or sending mean notes or e-mails. A child who is being bullied has a hard time defending him or herself. Often, children are bullied not just once or twice but over and over.
Bullying is very
common during the elementary and middle school years especially between grades
4 and 8. Perhaps the attitude that bullying is part of growing up is what that
makes the practice still common in all Indian schools. There is a lot of
research that shows that being a victim of a bully can affect
students’self-esteem and how they approach school. It is the victims of
bullying who often report that they do not want to go to school because of fear
of being bullied. Some children who are bullied decide, in turn, to bully
others. For all of these reasons, it is important that schools address the
bullying problem in their school.
Most bullying
happens at school and on the school bus to and from school. Bullying also can
take place when kids walk to andfrom school.Bullying is more likely to happen
when large groups of students are supervised by a small number of adults, including
during lunchtime, recess, physical education, and during transition times. Students
also report being bullied in the classroom when their teacher’s attention is
Both boys and
girls bully but there is some interesting differences in the way they bully. Boys
tend to be bullied by other boys, whereas girls are bullied both by boys and
girls. The most common form of bullying for both boys and girls is verbal
bullying (teasing, name-calling). Boys are more likely to say that they are
physically bullied. Girls are more likely to report being targets of rumour-spreading
and sexual comments. Both boys and girls engage in what is called relational
aggression. Individuals who use relational aggression tend to exclude students
from a group,or they might threaten to not be someone’s friend unless he/she
does what they say. Girls are somewhat more likely than boys, to bully each
other through social isolation.
Bullying often
involves groups of students picking on another student. Within these groups, there
often is a “ring leader”and a number of followers. In addition, many students
observe bullying but do not necessarily take any action—they neither engage in
the bullying nor help stop the bullying. Children and youth are often reluctant
to try to stop bullying because they are afraid of being bullied themselves,
because the want to be part of a popular group, or because they simply are not
sure how to help.
There are many
factors within a child’s environment that can contribute to bullying behavior.
Students who bully are more likely to witness violence in their home, have
little parental supervision and lack warmth and involvement by their parents. Children
who bully also are likely to “hang out” with others who bully and feel that
they gain their popularity or “coolness” by teasing other students. Bullying
thrives in schools where faculty and staff do not address bullying, where there
is no policy against bullying and where there is little supervision of
students—especially during lunch, bio-breaks. Negative models of bullying
behavior are also prevalent throughout society—especially in television, movies
and video games.
What can be done
to reduce bullying in school?
The good news is that much can be done to stop
bullying in our schools. A single school assembly, PTA meeting, or social
studies lesson on bullying won’t solve the problem, however. What is needed is
a team effort by students, teachers, administrators, parents and other staff to
change the culture, or climate of schools. Many schools are meeting this
CBSE Coordinator at Open Minds
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