Saturday, 12 December 2015

It's THAT time of the year...

December is by all means a magical month! Christmas is around the corner and Diwali lights are still conveniently blinking here and there waiting for another meaningful occasion to show themselves. Our school has decked up with Christmas displays from all four houses but for the time being the expectation of Christmas is not at all our number one priority. 

So, what is it, you might ask? More likely you will not need to guess at all, as you might be getting frequent reports from your children. The Annual Day! Yes, the school air is currently electrified with practise, practise, practise. Our annual day is literally around the corner and although we feel things are very much in control, one can not escape the feeling of slight panic of the last week before the Annual Day. We reached the stage of a completed run through and the students will now polish their moves and acts so they will be able to shine like diamonds on the stage and make us and parents proud.

There is an incredible process behind every annual day. Children first learn their part and then connect the dots and comprehend the story. They learn patience and team spirit in the process. It's an amazing opportunity for learning. Even the boring waiting for their part has a lesson within. Patience is the number one, as they need it to see how all the puzzle pieces slowly come together to create a work of art produced by the whole team. It is also a valuable opportunity for them to showcase their talent and potential - be it dance, drama, singing or speaking. At Open Minds we believe every student should be on the stage even if only for few minutes. They matter. Students matter. Every one of them.

We have a week left and we all can't wait to present it to parents and all guests. Excitement is definitely in the air! Looking forward to seeing you all there cheering and supporting our students.

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