Thursday, 9 July 2015

Report On "Investiture Ceremony, 2015"

Are leaders born or they made?  To nurture its students to be future leaders, on 3rd July,2015 Open Minds had its INVESTITURE CEREMONY .The first mega event for this academic year.
Investiture ceremony sets the right tone for an academic year during which the young leaders not only learn to guide other students but also create models in leadership for others to follow. They pined to show how a positive journey can transcend faces into visages of the new era.

The new student council was elected through a formal School Elections. Students from grades 7 to 9 contested for different positions based on their interest and abilities.  The elections were held on 19th June,2015 in the school premises.

The campaign was done by the contested students speaking on their strengths and   promising that they would deliver their duties with great zeal and commitment and address all the concerns. The slogans like VOTE RIGHT, VOTE BRIGHT, VOTE FOR ME brought the whole house together.

The day of elections engaged every heart with galore of feelings of hope, nervousness, readiness, the strange charm of unsurety, excitement, and confidence. All the students voted through secret ballot. The sound of joy and mirth reverberated and resonated through the school campus as the results were announced.

A week prior, the preparations started to honor the new student council on investiture ceremony.  The entire team was together to make the event memorable. It started with, Mr. Jacob training the newly elected council members on the protocols to be followed. Meanwhile Mr. Keshav & Ms. Koushiki prepared the students for the beautiful welcome dance .Our principal Ms. Swapnali and Academic coordinator Mr. Arup were always there with their suggestions, supporting the magnanimous whole. Our front office executive Ms. Lovina was a great support- hand during the entire program.  
3rd July,2015- the day most awaited by entire Open Minds family.
The  program was compered by Anushka Anumanchi, Aryan Kadli and Arshiya..

It started with welcoming the chief guest Mr. M Jagadishwar ,IAS  along with our Chairman Mr. Sudhakar Reddy and parents students. Keeping the tradition intact the melody of shloka whispered the commencement of the event. The school choir presented a jubilant disposition of our school song followed by a gleeful welcome dance by our students.

Then started our most awaited moment, the student council with 21 students marching towards their goal. It was a splendid moment to watch. With the vigorous beats of drum, our Dean Aryan Sharma took the lead and marched forward, followed by our Asst.Dean , Kriti Reddy, Sport Capitan Meganath , Sports Vice Captain Shamitha. Then our House Captains and Vice Captains marched ahead followed by our Cultural Captain, Cultural Vice Captain, Assembly Captain, Literary   Captain ,  Literary   Vice Captain, Health & Hygiene Captain ,  Health & Hygiene Vice Captain, Community Service Captain and  Community Service Vice Captain.

With the heads high, hearts in humility along with the House Masters, they all collected the Sashes and badges from our chief guest, our chairman and our beloved principal Ms. Swapnali Deore.  The entire venue was filled with great applaud, echoing the exhilaration hidden in every hearts. 

Cut from same cloth and woven in strands of integrity, sincerity and honesty, our student council took an oath that they would live up to the expectations and would be fully committed to all that the school stands for and strive to achieve them  which was administered by the chief guest.

The event continued with an inspirational speech by the chief guest.  Then the new dean encouraged his team and students with his speech.  The young leaders were motivated with the Principal’s words which rejuvenated every soul: ‘This is the beginning of a new era in your life…..’ indeed portrayed- the deeds of a whole epoch lies within the short span of every life. The lines from our school song ‘Be the change, the change is you’ came with a new gusto and passion from our Principal and kindled the flame of underlying leadership within the students.

After vote of thanks by the Asst. Dean Krithi, the event concluded with the National Anthem.

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